Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just Call Me Cinderella

So it was the next morning. The days were all running together. The date, unknown. We never really did know what day it was until the day we left.

Anyway, in my normal morning haze, I was really optimistic that I would get to shower. I needed it, or so I thought. I was up first. Read some in my Bible, a story about the loin cloth spoiling when it was burried...I prayed over the story, over our day, and for the children we had met. I felt ready to start my day.

I went to the shower and turned the hot water knob on. Not even a drip of water came out. I went to teh sink... a slight trickle. The kitchen sink, another slight trickle. I was not going to go without cleaning up. I had black dirt on my skin that could be wiped with my index finger from the the time spent in the car on the way to the orphanage the day prior. I had not bathed before bed because i knew the power would be on in the morning and that I was sure to have enough water to bathe. Turns out that I was wrong.

When the water pressure is really low, you can go to the main house and they will have some. Our suite being on a second story, the water won't go up to our floor without more pressure so I was hopeful that I could atleast fill a pot.

I took a boiling pot and tea pot down to the water spicket at the garden. IT took time, but it filled. I carried the pots up stairs and lit our gas burners. In less than 5 minutes, I had warm water in which to sponge bathe. I stripped naked and of course, that was the moment that Kim awoke.

I explained the situation to Kim. Told her I had tried the shower water supply twice, knowing how disappointed she would be. And believe me, she was not happy. I told her I would help rinse her hair after she was done with mine and that we were going to have a great day despite this! She watched as I rinsed GRAY water from my hair. I am telling you, the smog was thick! The picture I will post will be black soot taken from the tip of Kim's nose! YES, I know. Totally disgusting. But she insisted I take the pic because no one could believe this without a picture.

Anyway, I had finished my "bath" and was changing in the living area. I was combing through my hair and silently thanking the Lord that atleast I got clean and telling Him I was grateful for that. Then I am interrupted with a heckling laugh!

Kim shouts from in the bathroom that there IS hot water and that while I am in there getting ready, she will be taking a NICE, HOT shower! She had just finished ranting about how she was going to ask the owners to use their personal shower, hoping the elevation change would account for atleast one shower and how she was NOT going to go another day without a shower. Apparently, the Lord knew she really did need this shower and like magic, warm water fell from the shower head.

I was shocked. Amazed. And slightly pissed. She slept in. She didn't read her Bible. She didn't start her day with prayer. No... to the contrary. And yet, SHE got the shower! And then where was the humility for this gift- HECKLES! I laughed then, and laugh now. I had even turned off the water heater at the shower knowing that it sat empty and in an attempt to conserve much needed power. Where did this water come from? Why was it hot? And what did I do to become the ugly step sister?? We laughed as she came from the bathroom, clean and refreshed. I proudly stated "Just call me Cinderella" as I went back to my planning for the day ahead!