Monday, June 16, 2008

Hats off to Mom this Father's Day!

Father's Day is full of fun memories as a child. My mom would always arrange a fun family day at the lake, zoo, theatre, park, etc. We would shop in advance for that perfect gift for Dad and often times make him a special card or extra special picture. Dad would wake to his favorite breakfast and a cup of steaming coffee. He would relax as he read his paper and then the day's activities would ensue.

So now that J and I are blessed to have three children, it was my turn to plan this special day. And due to my mom being out of town, we wanted to include my dad in this day as well. Finding time to just think of what would be fun wasn't easy. It was only 5 days before the BIG day that the plan came to me- we would go to church as a family and then I would pack a picnic and we would all go the the Glendale Rec Center for family swimming. After swimming we would head back to home and put the kids down for a nap. I would then spend the afternoon prepping a favorite dinner of J's that my dear friend Joyce hooked us on- CHINESE food of egg rolls, crab puffs, and pork fried rice. We would gorge until we were about to burst and then fat and happy, simply call it a day!

The plan was revealed and all the pieces were put into place. First we did church, then we explored the water park. The boys rocked out on Rock Band while the kids napped and I diced carrots and browned pork. Food was cooked, we ate, and then FAT AND HAPPY, we sat to rest. It was the great day I had imagined it to be. Dad number 1 had fun. Dad number 2 had fun. The three babies thought it was Child's Day they had so much fun. AND I WAS WORE TO THE CORE!!! After enjoying (and I did despite the exhaustion) this perfect day, I now know who I really need to thank this Father's Day... My mom.

Like so many things when we are children, I now can see (and FEEL) what it takes to make the fun (and ordinary) all take place. My mom is and was a person with great energy and HUGE ideas. And ideas are nothing without the action steps to make them come to life and my childhood was FULL of life. Mom- Hats off to you this Father's Day. I love my dad and he is truly special. But it is today that I realize that even on HIS special day, it wouldn't have been the same without you there.


Kim said...

love it girl!!!