Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Olympic Hopefuls

So, folks. I tend to tell it like it is. Someday, my children may read this blog and telling it like it is may come back to bite me in more ways than one... but for now, it doesn't stop me!

I got a recommendation on a gymnastics studio from my neighbor, Melody. She has a blog now linked on mine, so go check it out if you have time... Anyway, on Monday, we got free trial sessions for all of my children. I signed up last weekend and then prepared my children by dressing them in their tightest fitting shirts (happened to be pj tops) and put the girls' hair up in perfect pony tails with their bangs clipped in barrets. We were off at 4 for the younger classes, Cole , Lexi, and Abby. We arrived to a zoo of a front lobby. People were everywhere, shoes crowded the floor. The receptionists head was litterally spinning from the people spitting out requests and demands. My kids and I froze, not knowing where to go and feeling a bit overtaken by the situation. I told them to pile their shoes onto the floor and then wait for Mommy.

Nearly 15 minutes later I was given a form to fill out and then I escorted my timid children into the studio. Lexi was shy at first but also intrigued. Cole was happy and eager as always. Abby was hopeful and ready to explore, but then stopped in her tracks. Turns out that her class was cancelled and there was no where for her to go. Not unlike her first day of preschool when she was denied access to the bus that she was so excited to venture on, she was told she would have to wait. Her mouth turned down and she worked hard to fight tears back. I did too, if I am being honest. I felt so bad for her. She was just wanting to play, too...

Abby and I took a position behind the viewing glass, Abby held in my arms so she could see. Lexi was slow to get started but really took to the instruction quite quickly. She had her difficulties with standing in the line once through the task at hand, but other than that, it came pretty easy for her. It was super cute to watch. Cole, on the other hand, didn't even know where to begin. The kids would do as asked and COle would be stopped right in his tracks. The instructor would manually position him and then help him to "hop" or tumble in the right direction! I laughed and laughed, all while hiding it from my senstive young man! It was cute, and funny, and a bit sad! The great part was, though it didn't come easy, he didn't give up and he smiled the whole time! He loved it!! (In case you are wondering, they didn't ask them to do flips, or handstands, or any type of real gymnastics... all just beginner skills that COULD one day lead to more advanced skills... or, for some, Could Not. Yet to be seen.)

SO then at 7 that night was Celia's class. I knew she would be great, but WOW! She rocked my face off! She was the best in her class and though she needed a bit of direction to know what to do, she would listen, and then just DO IT! Yes, and do it right. And no, these weren't things like what Cole was being asked to do... real cartwheels, bar drills, beam exercises, etc. The girl was awesome and she loved every minute of it! Her teacher asked me after class if she had been at another studio... when told she hadn't, she said how naturally talented she was and that she would be promoted quickly. WOW! Way to go, C! That is MY GIRL!

So, there you have it. The next batch of USA OLYMPIC champions in the making... team Fremouw! Any time ya'll want to check it out for yourselves, C's class is Monday nights at 7 and the tots are Tuesday mornings at 9:30. All are welcome to admire their talents!


Grandma Shakin' said...

I can't wait to watch your little gold medal winners tumble and roll their way to the Olympic platform!!! Grandma will be there cheering the loudest!