Sunday, November 9, 2008

As the World Turns

So, I know it has been a long time since I have written. You have my appologese. It has been busy but no more than usual. Usual is plain and simply, busy.

We have had good days and bad, just as everyone. Celia has been a great addition to our home but the transition isn't always smooth. It is what we had expected and for the most part, she is really doing great. We love her very much and thank God for her every day. COle and Lexi are doing great at preschool. THey really do love it and are talking more and more all of the time. It is really fun to see what they bring home from school as their projects! Abby is my little fire cracker for sure. She is enjoying her time with me, finally. I think she was sad that school started and for a time was protesting being alone with me in the mornings. Now, she seems to enjoy the attention and running errands and helping around the house.

We went to Telle and Kristen's new place in Surprise last night. The newlyweds are doing good and I love their dog, Rusty. Kristen cooked us an amazing meal including the best dessert I have had in months!

J's work is holding out. The Lord has really protected us through this rough market. Every month we should be broke and yet, J keeps getting deals. We are really blessed to have the referalls still coming in on deals that can actually be done and we take none of them for granted.

Celia doesn't know it yet but we are moving Lexi and Abby into the same room and putting Celia into Lexi's old room. We will not be painting it or doing too much to it until we know whether she is going to be adopted but we have decided to give her a space of her own. I think she will be super excited... and Lexi's stuff will all fit nicely into the other room. Fairy princesses belong in a garden anyway, don't they?!

We are preparing to celebrate my 30th birthday at Disneyland this upcoming weekend. We are SUPER excited to go. It will be all 4 kids' first time there and J and I have not been in over 10 years so it will be like a whole new experience for us- especially seeing it through our children's eyes.

So I know that was a catch up posting but wanted to do it in the hopes of being able to log on more frequently to post. Love to you all.


Suz... said...

I am so forgetful!! I even have your birthday on my calendar! I remembered right before your bday...and then it just flew right past. And then, after we left Jen and Dustin's I remembered that I didn't even say Happy Birthday to you...or sing you a song or anything! Ugh! SO sorry!! Was thinking about you though, in random spurts around (but not on) your birthday. ;}
Have fun in Disneyland!!!! Post pictures if you can! :)

Kim said...

glad to see you blogging again!! sounds like a ton of fun girl,